The EarthCore Audiobook / Podcast was awesome!
Hey Scott, what a great story! Like I said, I can't wait for the Sequel. Thanks!
I do have one question though, everyone who has a military background served in the Marine Corps. Is there some personal tie-in there? I'm a Jarhead, so I was curious.
I caught that you kept referring to them as soldiers, even though it should have been Marines. I figured it was because they were all in civilian employment now. Next time though, since they have Marine backgrounds, you can also refer to them as Leathernecks, Jarheads or Devil Dogs. They can run around shouting Ooh-Rah!, and referring to things by their naval terms, like bulkhead, deck and scuttlebut.
Just a suggestion.
Ohh-Rah, Jarhead! Thanks for the kind words. I'm thrilled you enjoyed the book. Oh, and that eight months to a sequel thing? Lied my ass off. I didn't mean to lie, turns out I did - too many other things breaking right now. Please save your pennies for INFESTED, which will be out April 1 in hardcover from Crown Publishing.
I can look past the bad estimate, I know my projects always get pushed out.
I'll be listening to the podcasts because I don't get much of an opportunity to read for pleasure, but I will be buying the books so that my wife can read them, she doesn't drive anywhere.
Keep up the great work!
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