Every Techie needs to read something.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Help Save Internet Radio


If you have been listening to or reading any Tech related news sites, then I'm sure that you've heard about the recent decision by the Copyright Royalty Board to increase the royalties that internet radio stations have to pay.

If you aren't familiar with the decision, here is a fun breakdown of the change:


Unknown said...

It's not only internet broadcasters. NPR is making a big fuss about it because they won't be able to pay the increased rates.

Mike Scott said...

I'm pretty sure they are affected because they broadcast over the internet, and they also do podcasts.

Unknown said...

Oh, yeah. Now that I think about it you're probably right.

Unknown said...

Man, that Helium chick is hawt.

Mike Scott said...

Its funny because I just changed the adds so that there are none except for that one image, and the only add it puts there is for helium.

When I first put it there, they showed an add for a honest to god 3-d scanner. I wish I could remember the URL.

Unknown said...

Hey, they change the Helium chick. Now there's almost no reason to come to your site. :(

Mike Scott said...

I'll see what I can do about that.

I think there is two of them, and the alternate between them.